Social_facility MOP Integrativer Jugendtreff in München.
Information about Social_facility MOP Integrativer Jugendtreff in München.
Tel.: +49 89 304073
Take a look at the opening hours.
Here you may find more detailed information for Social_facility MOP Integrativer Jugendtreff.
Social_facility MOP Integrativer Jugendtreff is located in München.
Social_facility MOP Integrativer Jugendtreff Located at the street Fallmerayerstraße.
Social_facility MOP Integrativer Jugendtreff expects you.
Visit yourself Social_facility MOP Integrativer Jugendtreff in München and see for yourself.
Take a look at the directions.
The Social_facility MOP Integrativer Jugendtreff in München is wheelchair friendly.
Website: description: Rolli-Toilette & Räume voll zugänglich, für Jugendliche mit & ohne Behinderung von 11-21 Jahren, Alle Infos unter Unser inklusives Projekt MOPMania für junge Erwachsene von 18-27 Jahren, siehe